ANDES project
The following list includes acronyms used on system level and shall be common to all documents.
Acronyms that are only used in one document shall be defined at the beginning of the document and marked with a “only used in this document”.
| Meaning | Explanation | Used in / Link |
A | |||
ANDES | ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph |
AD | Applicable Document | Legally binding documents and reports |
ADC | Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector |
AIT | Assembly, Integration and Test | In ESO terminology this is the phase in Europe that ends with the PAE (more general, should be MAIT) |
AIV | Assembly, Integration and Verification | In ESO terminology this is the phase in Chile that ends with the PAC |
AO | Adaptive Optics |
ANDES | ArmazoNes high Dispersion Echelle Spectrograph | Name of the instrument | All documents |
arcsec | Arc Second |
B | |||
BOL | Beginning of Life |
| ESO |
C | |||
CCD | Charged Coupled Device | Area detectors |
CCF | Camera Control Framework |
CCS | Central Control System |
CIDL | Configuration Item Data List |
CM | Configuration Manager |
CND | Control Non Deterministic |
CoC | Certificate of Conformity |
| Management Plan |
COTS | Components of the shelf | Non-costumized products |
CoG | Center of Gravity |
CoM | Center of Mass |
CR | Coudé-room | Part of the ELT | ESO |
CU | Calibration Unit | Subcomponent |
CD | Coudé Distributor |
CDET | Control Deterministic |
D | |||
DAS | Data Analysis Software |
DCS | Detector Control System |
DDV | Design, Development and Verification Plan |
DET | Detector |
DF | DarkFiber |
DPM | Data Product Manager |
DRS | Data Reduction Software |
DM | Deformable Mirror |
E | |||
EB | Executive Board |
| Management |
EFL | Effective Focal Length | the distance from the principal point to the focal point |
EH | Entrance Hall |
ELT | Extremely Large Telescope |
ESO | European Southern Observatory |
ETRS | Element Technical Requirement Specifications |
F | |||
F2F | Fiber-To-Fiber link | In-fiber connection point |
FAC | Final Acceptance Chile |
| ESO |
FCS | Function Control System |
FDR | Final Design Review | Milestone of the project, controlled by ESO | ESO |
FE I-IV | Front End I-IV | Pickup of the beam coming from the telescope. |
FFS | Flat-Field Sources | Calibration Sources used for Flat-Fielding | CU |
FL-IFU | Fiber Link - Integral Field Unit |
FMECA | Failure Mode, Effects, and Criticality Analysis |
FoV | Field of View |
FP | Fabry-Pérot | Etalon, Interferometer, Resonator in Literature |
FR | Funding Review |
| ESO |
FSR | Free Spectral Range | Spectral range between two spectral features |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | see below |
FTS | Fourier-Transform Spectrograph |
G | |||
GigE | GigE connection |
Gly | Glycol |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GN2 | Gaseous Nitrogen |
GTO | Guaranteed Time Observations |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
H | |||
HCL | Hollow-Cathode Lamps | Wavelength calibration lamps | CU |
HIRES | High Resolution Spectrograph | Outdated name of the instrument /project -> ANDES |
HE | Helium |
HRT | Hard Real-Time |
I | |||
IAA | Instrument Assembly Area at Armazones |
ICD | Interface Control Document | ESO-Standard, that is used to define Interfaces and their Responsibility |
ICS | Instrument Control System |
IF | Interfaces |
IFW | Instrument Framework |
IFU | Integral Field Unit |
ILS | Instrumental Line Shape | See Definitions below |
IP | Instrumental Profile | see also linespread function or ILS |
IR | Infrared |
IS | Instrument Scientist |
IFU | Integral Field Unit |
IFW | Instrument Framework |
IS | Instrument Scientist |
J | |||
K | |||
L | |||
LCS | Local Control System |
LCU | Local Control Unit |
LDP | Light Distribution Point | Connects, switches light sources to the OUP of the CU |
LG | Laser Guide |
| Conflict with Light Guiding CU subsystem |
LGS | Laser Guide Star |
LLI | Long Lead Item |
LN2 | Liquid nitrogen |
LUT | Look-Up table |
M | |||
mas | Milli-arcseconds |
MAIT | Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Test |
MBSE | Model Base System Engineering |
MS | Main Structure | WP that provides interfaces of subunits with environment | CU |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
N | |||
NCR | No-Collapse Requirement | Where is used this? |
NCR | Non-Conformance Report | Used in the subsystem-reviews. Is this ESO-standard? |
ND | Nasmyth Distributor |
NGS | Natural Guide Star |
NI_CR | Network Infrastructure Computer Room |
NIR | Near Infrared |
O | |||
OBS | Organization Breakdown Structure |
OCS | Observation Coordination System |
OM | Observing Mode |
OUP | Output Port | Fiber ports used in the CU → Optical Interface to the Fiber WP |
P | |||
PA | Product Assurance |
PAC | Preliminary Acceptance Chile |
PAE | Preliminary Acceptance Europe | ESO-controlled milestone of the project |
PBS | Product Breakdown Structure |
PCF | Photonic Crystall Fibre | Used in the Astrocomb for spectral broadening |
PD | Photodiode |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review | ESO-controlled milestone of the project |
PHL | Preliminary Hazard List |
PI | Principal Investigator |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
PFS | PreFocal Station |
PM | Project Manager |
PO | Project Office |
PS | Project Scientist |
PT | Product Tree |
PTV | Peak To Valley |
Q | |||
QA | Quality Assurance |
R | |||
RBM | Rigid Body Motion |
RCR | Review Conclusion Report |
RD | Reference Documents | background references only. |
RFW | Request for Waiver | To waive a requirement |
rms | Root Mean Square | A statistical Value, see below |
RP | Resolving Power | lambda/deltaLambda |
RTC | Real Time Control |
S | |||
SA | System Architect |
SAR | System Architecture Review |
SC | Steering Committee |
SCAO | Single Conjugate Adaptive Optics |
SCS | Spectral Calibration Sources | Light sources providing spectral information that can be used for calibration. | CU |
SCP | Service Connection Point |
SCP_C | SCP Coudé |
SCP_CR | SCP Computer Room |
SCP_N | SCP Nasmyth |
SE | Systems Engineer |
SoW | Statement of Work |
SR | Strehl Ratio | measure of the quality of optical image formation |
SRT | Soft Real-Time |
SSE | Software System Engineer |
ssSE | Sub-System Engineer |
ss (PT) | subsystem(s) (Project Team) | can be used as singular or plural |
SOW | Statement of Work |
ST | Science Team |
SW | Software |
SWSE | SoftWare-System-Engineer |
T | |||
TBC | To be Confirmed |
TBD | To be Defined (frequently To be Discussed) |
TCCD | Technical CCD |
TLR | Top Level Requirement |
TRL | Technical Readiness Level | see definitions |
TRS | Technical Requirements Specification |
TRES | Time Reference System |
TSE | Thermal Self Emission |
U | |||
US | UBV Spectrograph |
V | |||
VIS | Visible Range of Light | (400 nm - 700 nm as defined by ISO Standards) |
W | |||
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
WCS | World Coordinate System |
WFS | WaveFront Sensor |
WFRTC | Wave-Front Real-Time Computer |
WG | Working Group |
WLM | Wavelength Marker | frequency-stabilized Lasers, used in the CU to anchor the wavelength solution |
WP | Work Package |
WPM | Work Package Manager |
X | |||
Y | |||
YS | YJH Spectrograph |
Z | |||
classification: ANDES internal